Swype for windows 8
Swype for windows 8

And, the quickest way Microsoft can convince me to purchase a Surface RT tablet, is to tell me that I can use it as a swyping keyboard for my desktop computer. And that’s it-that’s the reason I am willing to divorce my QWERTY keyboards. Why do I adore swyping so much, if it’s not the speed? Well, here is the short version: dragging the finger all over a virtual keyboard uses less muscle than a traditional keyboard, especially for someone accustomed to typing with two fingers. I also started hating the QWERTY keyboards that have been my friend for the last 25 years. To my surprise, it only took less than a month of switching from iPhone 4S to Android Jelly Bean to turn me into a believer-to the extent that I started searching for a non-existent tablet-like flat keyboard for my Windows 7 based PC. If I was to use a stop watch I am sure that I can type as fast, if not faster, than swype. Strictly speaking, I wasn’t far off for someone with minor motor skills impairment, I could swype no more accurately than I could type. I first came across the trace typing technology at the annual CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference in 2011, but respectfully ignored it, because I figured that there’s nothing swype can do that typing with auto-correction and/or word-prediction can’t do faster. You literally swipe your finger from B down to E without picking up your finger.

swype for windows 8

However, thanks to my new state-of-the-art Android phone, I have had the chance to turn this narrative of shame into a narrative of redemption, and nobody needs to commit hara-kiri! Oh, and in case you do not yet know what swype is-the words swipe and type combined-and it’s the input mode where your finger goes from B to E without stopping when typing the word “because”.

swype for windows 8

As someone who has the word “technology” in his job title, the shame and dishonor of such wilful neglect brought upon my person is incalculable. I have recently-yes, only recently-gotten friendly with swype input.

swype for windows 8

Image of Swype keyboard By Chi Hung Luke Hsieh

Swype for windows 8